Crepe paper beauties

My day has been improved by coming across the floral beauties of Artist/blogger Tiffanie Turner.

These incredible flowers are so inspiring. Imagine something like this decorating your reception or being carried by your flower girl.

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I love this photo because it shows the scale of these flowers.


Her blog has some fantastic DIY flowers for anyone who wants to bring some of this loveliness into their celebration.


Crepe paper floral headdresses

Basic crepe paper flowers

I discovered through reading her blog the source of the paper she uses. I have tried to make some flowers with the sad crepe paper from the newsagent and they were not what I hoped for. I think I am going to have to order some of this thick and stretchy paper if I want to make dynamic and curly petals like this.

Carte Fini – Italian crepe paper.



by Kathleen Brewster